時間:晚上7時30分Kick off (可於晚上7時後入場)
地點:Arena By Zerve(香港九龍尖沙咀諾士佛臺10號1樓)
(1) 請留意不能自攜外來食品。另點之飲品,餐廳將直接收費,價錢以餐牌列出為準。
(2) 會員或非會員如即場walk-in (如仍有空位) 將收取現金。
(3) 今次活動乃香港曼聯官方球迷會私人活動,非已報名人士恕不招待。
(4) 參加睇波活動者歡迎穿上曼聯球衣或有關衣著。身穿其他英超球隊者恕不招待。
English Version
Date: 8 April 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 7:30p.m. KICK OFF (Can enter after 7p.m.)
Venue: Arena By Zerve (1/F, 10 Knutsford Terrace, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon)
Prices: (all inclusive of two drinks)
HK$180 (Members’ prepaid price)
Hk$200 (Members’ non-prepaid price)
HK$200 (Non-members’ prepaid price)
HK$220 (Non-members’ non-prepaid price)
Each member can bring a maximum of one non-member guest to the event.
We will continue to implement electronic prepayments for all our screening events this season. Please note no refunds will be made in any event once a credit card payment is made. Please display your confirmation email upon entry if you elect to pay by credit card.
1. Do not allow to bring your own food. Additional orders of food and drink will be charged directly by the venue based on prices on their menu.
2. Walk-in entrants (if there are places available) will be charged the non-prepaid cash price and cannot utilise the electronic discount code.
3. This is a private MUSCHK event. We reserve the right to refuse entry for any person who has not signed up.
4. Participants are prohibited from attending the event in clothings of any English football teams other than Manchester United.