- 20/07/2013
- Posted by: admin
- Category: 球迷會動態

[two_fourth class=”” last=”no” ]香港曼聯官方球迷會欣然宣佈,於今日授予『榮譽會員』頭銜予英國曼徹斯特中餐館「羊城樓」東主楊鉅森 先生 MBE 。
楊先生 1953 年生於中國廣州,童年時隨家人移居香港,自 13 歲起成為點心學徒。70 年代,他跟隨父母移民英國謀生,並於 1977 年與家人於曼徹斯特唐人街創立以粵菜為主的「羊城樓」。在楊先生的領導下, 羊城樓 30 多年來不斷獲得多家英國傳媒提名為英國頂尖中式餐館之一,並屢次在英國食肆比賽中獲獎,獲廣泛認同為英國飲食業領袖之一。
楊先生素來熱衷參與英國華人社區活動,其傑出貢獻亦獲得英國皇室肯定,於 2004 年元旦受勳名單中,獲頒大英帝國員佐勳章 (Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, “MBE”)。
適逢今天為楊先生 60 大壽的日子,本會特此向楊先生贈予『榮譽會員』頭銜,以表揚其對本會及廣大香港曼聯球迷的支持,並祝願楊先生身體健康,生活愉快![/two_fourth]
[two_fourth class=”” last=”yes” ]The Official Manchester United Supporters Club Hong Kong (“MUSCHK”) is delighted to name Mr. Harry Yeung MBE, owner of Chinese restaurant Yang Sing of Manchester Chinatown, as an Honorary Member of MUSCHK with immediate effect.
Born in Guangzhou, China in 1953, Mr. Yeung moved to Hong Kong with his family in his childhood years and became a Cantonese dim-sum apprentice at the age of 13. In the 1970s, he moved to the United Kingdom with his parents to seek for a living, and founded Yang Sing in Manchester Chinatown together with his family in 1977. Under Mr. Yeung’s leadership, Yang Sing has continuously obtained much accolades and from the British media and won numerous awards in prestigious culinary contests in its 36-year history. Today, Yang Sing is widely considered to be one of the best Chinese restaurants throughout the United Kingdom, and Mr. Yeung an industry leader.
Mr. Yeung also takes an active role in the British Chinese community. His outstanding contributions was recognised by the British Monarchy and he was bestowed a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (“MBE”) in the 2004 New Year’s Honours List.
Mr. Yeung is a long-time supporter of Manchester United and a season-ticket holder. He takes pleasure in welcoming Manchester United supporters visiting from Hong Kong and had recently agreed to give MUSCHK members a discount offer for consumption at Yang Sing.
It is fitting that on the day of his 60th birthday that MUSCHK name him an Honorary Member in recognition for his support to MUSCHK and Manchester United supporters from Hong Kong. We would like to wish Mr. Yeung a joyous and healthy life.[/two_fourth]
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